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AVG compliant uren registreren

Register AVG compliant hours.

Taking privacy into account is very important these days. Not only for the employees and the works council, but also for the organization itself. That is why Salvo is fully compliant with GDPR legislation. The app has a privacy switch. All communication to and from the cloud environment is encrypted. The cloud servers are heavily secured. And the collected data is only accessible to a few authorized persons from the organization. 

The privacy switch in the Salvo app gives the field worker the option to switch the status of the app from Private mode at any time. In this mode, the app does not send any privacy-sensitive information to the server. In this way, the registration of the location outside working hours can be completely switched off.  


The employee is assisted in various ways the next working day to ensure that the privacy switch is switched back to Work mode at the right time and that registration takes place as desired during working hours.

So the app thinks of everything and the staff is helped by the Salvo app to ensure their privacy.  


In addition, all data is sent encrypted and stored in the cloud. So that too is all set up in accordance with AVG law.   


Salvo naturally works with a processing agreement and all associated protocols and procedures according to the GDPR. 


Schedule a telephone appointment.

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